Sunday, May 9, 2010

Two, Poets git layed like this

Hellow whats you name
git lost i know whats on your mindreally what
your a man what els would it be
well let me tell you it's my
Fritened eyes turning the insid of my head to tornado stile cowtipping with no way out crying out for some one to take my hand and hold on for dear life for I might blow away In the next wind tour between the blue and green serching for a way out of this mixed up emoshenal rollercoster I call my life and into the one that better suits that of the man I won't to be the man I strive to be, houlding out for randishens of the true me to shine throw this broken shell of a man forming the the kiss on the lips of the girl I meet in the bars I travel to after a show showing them a man can do more then just look for sex and a good beer that
I feel
I live
I breth
I move
that I am real not just another cardbored cut out of male shovenisum and asshole vandictions that I am not just a man I am more then a man I a a voice on a roof top to thows who have no voice to bring i am the voice to the tiers and hungry because they have given up trying I am a voice in the derkness screming out to thows holding up trees in there hands and ther hart full of love I am the voice for every fat kid in any high school in amarica because they are afrad of stoking up to the bully I am a light to the lost when your pretchers no longer hold the word with there hands I am a poet a voice in the wilderness so I am not just a man my dear can I intrest you in a drink this will take a while and Mabel later you and me can creat another smile.
by jhone doe

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