Saturday, May 29, 2010


8, LieI seewtly lie to your prying eyes I need this all of it every second you brerh in to me I need this so know this I am not some solver standing at your side I am not a statue I am not a tree I am me this man the one who thought you understand that I needed you and you needed me and we where sopost to be etchothers every thing but it was a lie you took my hand and led me to coeadors filled with sand and left me there for dead tell lie to hide your eyes from me I am not imortil I bleed and with every time you staned me in the hart or in the back I hav the wound to show that it enters and exeted my body multable times in places I can not reach on my own i feel for you yea because I am a man but you turned this in to a friend ship with out a bout and where sinking in to abilven and yet I can leve you side cuz I mad a promis till you screming for me to go away I will stand here at your side even thow you lied I now that you had your resins I know that you hide I know some of the pain you feel I feel it to or els I would not wright poetry for you and yet you make it sound like i never asked you to tell me the world was agenst you and you needed my help when evry day I sold inches from fighting it off for you I am not perfic all thow I try but I lie too to hide from yon the secrets I tell noone for they are mine the pins I have the things I have done where wher you my love when the monsters at my door had shotguns and razed blads holding the hand of another telling him that universas and raibows make you cry and how you won't to die and and that you lie I stand here at you sid wondering if I am misinf something9, RefundWas it three am or for that made me screming for more it was the day after the end from where I stand the sky looks like marbles routating arond no center point not. Any more not ever sence you walked out that door holding the hands of some new lover with broken wings able to do anything crossing arms over chest plats and crossbows you shot me with arrows barking the inside sparrows falling for you ties your lies the things you Gould me for a smile if only for a whil I never wonted this never wonted you to take my hand and dance around my emoshens till they lie ruwand on the grind then fly away like and agle free to another man higher then me I am sorry I never mention to turn you away but I was not a door mat for you to wip you feet on so I sent you back to the would I got you from for a refund and a bag of m&ms you where the only thing I ever wonted now I got to what a moth for next moths feld and see if the newer modls can make me feel but the tiers in my eye won't heal for toy where every thing to me and now your nothing
by jhone doe

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