Sunday, May 9, 2010

Three, onex best

Drop by drop I drips from the tips of thows who use it darkens tip staned from the sole that it has taken to another plan crafited in the pits of hell and bless bit the grace of god it never goes dull It tip never brakes it hold is ferm and it s movement finel. Blackens vinam drips from it's lips posing all who dare to stand agenst it drawn to be welded by the one who's actions Speke louder then the words he scraches in to the mind of his unexpectiomg victims blowing there minds out the back of there head with a mead flick o his rist curing out the word you saw this in there eyes leving them alive only to tell the teal of how he took down so miny men and leving not a singalong one dead brething life in to there lifless skulls with the vinam the tip brings forth from it's insides how and with every new victim it strives for more blood thersty for the ear that has not herd it's sound craving a bar slat in witch to carve out it's idels in and leve badly brething only to be a wikness to what it did. It onex vinim leving them un able to tuen away this best the bringer ofdeth he legers not far from my head inches form my skull and I winder if u have tamed him or him me.
by jhone doe

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