Sunday, May 9, 2010

Four, The field

I playing thr field like some cind of sick virson of minesweeper I am trying to evoed the explosive ones with bondry issues complacsring a simple hunt and pit to qontum fisics in the bathroom with a bome straped to you wong. Red flags go on in your head for the ones not to touch for fear of a boom holding out hands redy to remove the garbige and find the one that I won't to hold on to for true rest of my life the one with the shades. I'm back in the field agen plying flag football with the sants front line paking submChen guns aNd rocket loncherz and plan to use them both to git my flags mad of gold I run full sprint to the ege of a cliff and jump to the moon with the up draft of the wind that is behind my wings I'm playing the field agen never though that would hapen hopen I not here long the feld is Cinda dangeris.
by jhone doe

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