Saturday, May 29, 2010

13, Demon

Angle flytless wings peeled from frams of inasence biy hands atached to hateful lems of saten free. I can never go back never retern to happly ever afters where knights in glisining armor carry me to worlds outsid realites door I am no longer sweet core turnd sour from misplaced lust blossoms no longer puer tanted with vishens of thing I was to youg to under stand. Ragedoll salilaqe limes strown cross faces saying two word anticdots to cellings falling on plaster blank faces. Stealing gifts that where not yours to unrap interdusing sin to the immaculate clock of witch I doned. Emptyed forms dancing cross mirrored places showing shells of things long past I am no longer butiful no longer free traped limbo unable to go lower then the floor. I am no longer a princess houlding out for prenses to take hands of heels away to casles and velvet sheet you have taken away every last happy moment in my life and replaced it with fear what deamons you conger with fingers paid to pray what desalet waslands have you left in your wake demon what have you done to me what dreams have you riped from my flesh what dark pools that swerl behind babby blue brightness lieing to thows around me demon you know not what you have taken from me for now I am peowed posteg not able to maile myself plans to nowhere express I am nolnger misused muse I am taken broken and alone demon what have you done to me? What formless tarers have you consived what dreams have you crushed in others demon I wonder when you flows your eyes at night if I hont your dreams of mening and torched you with images you unwish open a shining little gril demon what thoughts cascad your mind as doters turn to open ageless night of past you have forgoten I wonder if I tourcher you when you lay down to rest demon do you fear me or I you demon take your fingrs that are payed to pry and ripp out harts from chests not of this world leve them broken and alone like torn hardwood shadow dancing on the back of the thing that used to be a little girl mosenless forms liying lost of mening leve me your damage has allredy left my felds baren of life demon there nothing more you can do to me i am broken
by jhone doe

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