Saturday, April 10, 2010

I am a poet! And f you if you hat that

Millons of incondesent suns hang feet above my head defiying gravity as we know it, reminding me of the hour long seconds after two objects tryed to ocupiy the sam space and failed turning the lightswitch in to the off pasition. Twisted perallelagrams of off coulerd puzzle prices where strown all over the astroterf making it impossible to find the clowed peace witch would transform this nightmar into a dream full of rinbows and limeandrops coming from tandom chimnytops this is not where you will find me. Liqid sunbems flowing from distent wet dreams coming from your daters, holding pins in there hands bleeding ink in to pudls holding pudls barking madness, peralelagrams falling from the sky forming twisted metal and screming lovers. Misfiyering moriscode signals coming from havens doorstep and taking a step walking up the down escalater defiying the norm. The first long kiss lingering on rosielips of a twisted orcasms status dacing arond a shemering colander driping from silent fingers of a def man on the streetcorner outsid the door. I am not alone! Souls sharing dances in small windowless rooms with empty cups of coffie in the bathtub,tosters popping up bracalie covered in chees Jesus Christ coming back for a day just to say hay i died for you yha ever wonder why I did that? You are not alone! Glamerless supermobils throwing up bottle of the food they put in saving there bodys for sex pestalent prefers praying dirty words to the shoked eyes of God crying tiers of black. I am a poet it is as simpal as that I am just a man one voice two hand one hart but I use them all for one thing making pages dark bleedind out the insid spark like octomis prime I transmorm pages to art crying out stages beond the reatch of man I shout these word to make you understand you are not alone! There are others who can't sleep at night to bizzy defiying the world with there hands think out sid the confins of how things are sapost to be bleeding xstacey from there moths. What can ever compar to the black tiers people cry showing words that lie the truth they are carved her in the vary words I speak hidden amoxted the twisted silents of my ryhmes, so to thous of you out there still awak at 4 am pick up your pin cuz you are not alone!There are others like you!There are others like you!Vectoreus solders in the revalution of life we are the fightes trying to figuer out this crazy thing people call the world

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