Saturday, April 10, 2010

The pin

Nothing is miter then the pin
Nothing is miter then the pin
We are not a demacratic revalution
We are not a republicon movement
We are not a gree party manstrem rejects
We are a revalution of poets screming word of chang to the world and you can never silens useThe pin is miter then the swordThe pin is miter then the swordAnd this not just a say more damage has ben done with one word then a sword will do in a life timeMore dame has been done by a simple letter then the two bomes we droped on japan ever didThe only thing miter then owed pins is ower mothea spiting truth screming from the the roof tops
I am a writer mother fucker
I am here mother fuker
I was here and you will not silence me
I was here and you will not fucking silence me
Even when we are unable to wright any more we will still spit are rhyme shouting my moth is miter then your swords guns and tank I am not afrad and if they silence you with a shot then there will be more and more and we will speed this to the next genaration bacause as long az there is a humanbeing on earth there will be wrighters and you should fucking fear us cuz as long we control the power of word we can take on armys and defer them in record time we are invasable cuz for ever poet who dies three take his place we are poets are words are miter then you and you should fucking fear us.

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