Sunday, April 25, 2010


The empteyness tonts me the line on the page becom cobras tangling around the end of my pin and make it void of promis and idea cersing me with the deth that all wrirtgher pass throw to gain asendance from the wourld and transeand promise so they my reatch nervana. a right of passage to inlightenment the next step in your life and something every wrighter must bet to achev evalution throw the merkey weaters of a past litters with perfict promises. Thoughts blind into a blackhole called the world this proves that your are something not just a poser you are trying to formulate words that cry celing to children not yet conseved in the minds of there 3 year old parents. Dashes and dots dashes and dots Moris cod to vilet winds crying for relese flood gates holding back ideas from your trimbling finger tips wishing the words would just apper on the page freeing you once agen you touch pin to paper writing bable Lines that bring true revalations to the eyes of thows outsid your walls crying revalutione to the souls of children making montens out of mole hills. Blocks created bye predestend roud sighns placed pereaticly throw this web we weav through back contry rouds leding to places outsid the confines of the words they you places on pages of gods book adding to this dance we dance to the seas of thows who need a peace of papper to thows who pins will not wright dead of creative flues over taken buy the sler of day to day mondayn exestence. Blocks are what make the poems breth the life blood of all wrighters the shining star hold you in aww and alowwing brilyans to flow to genarashens yet to breth life we are luight follow use to the end.
by jhone doe

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