Thursday, April 29, 2010

jhones mind

for thows who care i will be preforming at ect this friday
by jhone doe

Sunday, April 25, 2010


The empteyness tonts me the line on the page becom cobras tangling around the end of my pin and make it void of promis and idea cersing me with the deth that all wrirtgher pass throw to gain asendance from the wourld and transeand promise so they my reatch nervana. a right of passage to inlightenment the next step in your life and something every wrighter must bet to achev evalution throw the merkey weaters of a past litters with perfict promises. Thoughts blind into a blackhole called the world this proves that your are something not just a poser you are trying to formulate words that cry celing to children not yet conseved in the minds of there 3 year old parents. Dashes and dots dashes and dots Moris cod to vilet winds crying for relese flood gates holding back ideas from your trimbling finger tips wishing the words would just apper on the page freeing you once agen you touch pin to paper writing bable Lines that bring true revalations to the eyes of thows outsid your walls crying revalutione to the souls of children making montens out of mole hills. Blocks created bye predestend roud sighns placed pereaticly throw this web we weav through back contry rouds leding to places outsid the confines of the words they you places on pages of gods book adding to this dance we dance to the seas of thows who need a peace of papper to thows who pins will not wright dead of creative flues over taken buy the sler of day to day mondayn exestence. Blocks are what make the poems breth the life blood of all wrighters the shining star hold you in aww and alowwing brilyans to flow to genarashens yet to breth life we are luight follow use to the end.
by jhone doe

Saturday, April 17, 2010

feilds of yellow and by that I mean piss

Melloncolly monds of vibrent velvet weeds there weeds worth nothing more then the space they take up and there fucking hard to kill to taking over the felds of my youth like the stuff mad in china took over walmart. An armada that could invad Canada and win but then agen a giy with a tincan could do that. Then thay pull a suprise gun out there ass they changh sides (that's what she sead) and and turn wighter then a fat backwoods hick ducks jumping an airplan In a truck packed full of moonshine and unlisensed guns. Then like a hore at a frat party it speeds it's stds all around to any one stupid enuf to blow on them that sounds alot like my exgirilfriend. Then like in the inevatible zombieacalips they will pop out of the ground lick a pimple redy to eat brains witch also sounds alot lick my ex she will eat the first thing she sees if you git that jock. Thes weeds duplicat and civet the feilds of my past with bipy blonde who's only atribut is there desent pbj skills read between the lins on that one. And as qickly as they start up the winter kills them off just lick godzilla killed the German armada in ww2 yha he was on ower pay roll he's alot lick my ex too won't even touch that one even with a broom witch by the way is my exes bff she's a witch and the thong that rimes with it too. And when she blow the last of her demon seed in to my fields I cryed
by jhone doe


I got a letter last week in my inbox of my email about last fridays praformence and this is what it sead "you are not a poet you are a volger young man who never Lerner to control his words I have many books and teach on the subject of poetry and I am here to tell you you are not a poet and should give up your crazy idea of being found you will never go anywhere as a poet" after reading this at 3 am because I whas having miles wrightr block I wright this back to her so yha i call this "I am not a poet"
I am not a poet
Yha I am not a poet
I admit to you that I do not wright rhyme of vers I do not turn love in to galixeys
I do not turn crying in to ocens but I will tell you what I do do i live this all of it even if I wright it in diffrent words every thing I have ever put down on paper has been lived by me or throw me and I say up light every night bleeding this on to pages of a verchual book and coming up with ideas that even scar me hidind feeling behind feelings behind a jester mask of coverd in tiers and unawserd phone call I strive for a life where I don't know where my next check is coming from or who even cares about my stuff I don't this for you I started wrighting cuz I winter to get the crazy out of me my first poems where insaine mad no sence and where long now I Herrt myself to wright three poems a week I live tuis stuff you are dising my life and telling me what poety is ha I will tell you what it is
Poetry is the sound after the car crash
Poetry is a baby not crying
Poetry is a new tub of toothpaste
Poetry is a bug on your widsheld
Poetry is the giy you meet last week that you didn't know and yet you talked for hours.
Poetry is the frat boy nextdoor nabers who won't let you sleep at night
Poetry is the giy who short changhed you at walmart
Poetry is the sun
Poetry is the earth
Poetry is gravity
Poetry is space
Poetry is time
Poetry is basketballs, hulahoops, comics, blood, fier, empty streets, robed homes, deth, life, trees, water, bots, you, me, the people, the mic, and the love that is herePoetryyour word my word any word a song fierflys food and fierworks all
God is Poetry
God is Poetry
God is Poetry
Poetry is anything felt by any one at any given time and if my feeling don't constatut as poetry well then you need you go back to school because I don't need your selfsinerd richesness to tell me what poetry is I live it every day and when you do the same you will see that I am not just a poet and nether is any person with enuf balls to stand in front of a mic that is when we seace to be poets and start living are lifes
I live just for the sake of living and if that bothers you well then up yours cuz I'm not here to pleas you I am here mother fucker and you wil not silence me.
by jhone doe

Monday, April 12, 2010

jhones mind

for thows of you who care i will pereodecly tell you whats going on in my life like a jernal
entry 1
i am in love agen this time she is some one i have liked for a long time and the idea of holding her hand makes me wont to wright lol so expect more love poems allso going throw a deep time aparent ly my brain hiding mening behind so many metafores that even i cant desifer it that scares me but it makes for good poetry
expect me a exetera friday night i will be reading a coop peace with tiylor tylor should be fun

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The pin

Nothing is miter then the pin
Nothing is miter then the pin
We are not a demacratic revalution
We are not a republicon movement
We are not a gree party manstrem rejects
We are a revalution of poets screming word of chang to the world and you can never silens useThe pin is miter then the swordThe pin is miter then the swordAnd this not just a say more damage has ben done with one word then a sword will do in a life timeMore dame has been done by a simple letter then the two bomes we droped on japan ever didThe only thing miter then owed pins is ower mothea spiting truth screming from the the roof tops
I am a writer mother fucker
I am here mother fuker
I was here and you will not silence me
I was here and you will not fucking silence me
Even when we are unable to wright any more we will still spit are rhyme shouting my moth is miter then your swords guns and tank I am not afrad and if they silence you with a shot then there will be more and more and we will speed this to the next genaration bacause as long az there is a humanbeing on earth there will be wrighters and you should fucking fear us cuz as long we control the power of word we can take on armys and defer them in record time we are invasable cuz for ever poet who dies three take his place we are poets are words are miter then you and you should fucking fear us.

The day rotation in intersteler bome shell called the world

i am a poet traped in the cerculer exestance of dead end corpret amarica wondering the wrong side of nusesaty and desier bleed censtalashens insted of sleeping at night crying the galicses insid of me in to the pages of an 8by10 loosleaf notbook over flowing with ideas and the darken pages so paked with words that only god knows it's contents. I am millons of mobile exploding suns all cerculating arond a center point my sole stuck in 6by5 rooms full of cookie cuter poeple all move to the grater end gears in the Michener and that's how this cookie cutter life works money don't grow on trees and this life at free working exation to the edge and push off yor free time another day cuz you are to bizzy to tell the world your dieing insid screming my insides out into dark littl letter staning the walls of my life with mening bringing my intersteller insides to a lul for meair nano secends then traped in the mondain rotation of coming home at night to my real life try to live in 16 hour shifts cuting myself to reles the pint up words casing
rose spot to cover the page the lift over rimnents of with skin meet blad falling netly in a patter like sand falling in diffrent places and forming buity it flows from my brain and down my arm and on to the page like an orcastra in mothiom ever dot has it's place and it all moves in perfect harmany weaving emotions I have into execteceNo amont of ravalarion no amont of blood will replenish what I am doing now No self help books no help line no suasid watch no deth These roise spot covering my page form word of revalation song of devastation love ever lasting the missing peace to a two peace pizzle cuz if you clows enuf even black can carriy red so let it drip and be proud to show your stans to some who needs it

I am a poet! And f you if you hat that

Millons of incondesent suns hang feet above my head defiying gravity as we know it, reminding me of the hour long seconds after two objects tryed to ocupiy the sam space and failed turning the lightswitch in to the off pasition. Twisted perallelagrams of off coulerd puzzle prices where strown all over the astroterf making it impossible to find the clowed peace witch would transform this nightmar into a dream full of rinbows and limeandrops coming from tandom chimnytops this is not where you will find me. Liqid sunbems flowing from distent wet dreams coming from your daters, holding pins in there hands bleeding ink in to pudls holding pudls barking madness, peralelagrams falling from the sky forming twisted metal and screming lovers. Misfiyering moriscode signals coming from havens doorstep and taking a step walking up the down escalater defiying the norm. The first long kiss lingering on rosielips of a twisted orcasms status dacing arond a shemering colander driping from silent fingers of a def man on the streetcorner outsid the door. I am not alone! Souls sharing dances in small windowless rooms with empty cups of coffie in the bathtub,tosters popping up bracalie covered in chees Jesus Christ coming back for a day just to say hay i died for you yha ever wonder why I did that? You are not alone! Glamerless supermobils throwing up bottle of the food they put in saving there bodys for sex pestalent prefers praying dirty words to the shoked eyes of God crying tiers of black. I am a poet it is as simpal as that I am just a man one voice two hand one hart but I use them all for one thing making pages dark bleedind out the insid spark like octomis prime I transmorm pages to art crying out stages beond the reatch of man I shout these word to make you understand you are not alone! There are others who can't sleep at night to bizzy defiying the world with there hands think out sid the confins of how things are sapost to be bleeding xstacey from there moths. What can ever compar to the black tiers people cry showing words that lie the truth they are carved her in the vary words I speak hidden amoxted the twisted silents of my ryhmes, so to thous of you out there still awak at 4 am pick up your pin cuz you are not alone!There are others like you!There are others like you!Vectoreus solders in the revalution of life we are the fightes trying to figuer out this crazy thing people call the world