Wednesday, March 3, 2010

till deth do use friends

this is for vitora where ever you are this is the truth swar on my honor

I will feel the way i feel for you until you say no
i will be there for you if you need me
a tower of stranth if you need something to lean on
a ear to hear anything you wont to tell me
a punching bag if you need to let off some steem
a person to call laght at night if you just need to talk
and someone to value you if you feel worthless
i will protect you with all i am even if it destroys me
i will stand for you even if every one els sits down
i am in your cornor throw thick and thin
till deth do use part i am your friend
until you say no
if these word ever escape your mouth and that is what you truly wont i will lay down my sword and faid in to the darkness but even thin i am not gone
but one call one word and i will pick up my sword and fight the world at your side
i will never leve you lick i was left
i will never except defet
i will allwas be at your side
till deth do use friends
i will honor ower the bond that we mad until i die

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